Share Community Input for the Druid Hill Park Complete Streets Study
After years of advocacy and agency coordination, the Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Street Design Effort is finally underway! Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) is developing a new plan to address the safety challenges residents and visitors face along the Druid Park Lake Drive corridor from I-83 to Greenspring Ave. BCDOT aims to identify areas where improvements are needed to make safer connections for pedestrians and bicyclists, develop traffic calming methods, reimagine the corridor with elements of a landscaped boulevard, and consider new circulation patterns to highlight the neighborhoods’ historical relevance. Recognizing that over the years there have been multiple plans and studies for the park and the surrounding area, BCDOT is building on existing material to develop a plan for Druid Park Lake Drive and Auchentoroly Terrace.
Click here to learn more about the study:
Click here to download the Druid Park Lake Drive Complete Streets Design Effort fact sheet.
BDOT are seeking the insight of the community: Click here to complete a comment card to share your thoughts and experiences accessing Druid Hill Park. Of high priority are the voices of residents living in the neighborhoods along Druid Park Lake Drive, Auchentoroly Terrace, and Druid Park Drive.
Knowing that not everyone in the surrounding project area has online access, BCDOT and its consultants have provided hardcopies of the comment form that are being distributed door to door throughout the adjacent neighborhoods.
Online Public Meeting April 28, 6:30pm
Join us for an online public meeting on April 28th at 6:30 PM to learn more about the project and share your ideas on how we can make Druid Hill Park accessible for all!
Zoom Meeting:
Zoom meeting ID: 858 4828 8166 Passcode: 659178
Send any additional questions or comments to: