2023-2024 ATA Officers Call for Nominations

election voting hands ballot box

Nominees needed! Help support our neighborhood by serving as an officer with the New Auchentoroly Terrace Association (ATA). Election of the 2023-2024 officers will take place at the September 8, 2022 ATA in-person meeting. Officer positions and duties are listed below:

  • President: preside at ATA meetings, represent ATA at public meetings, appoint committee chairs, relay correspondence to the Board, delegate duties as needed.
  • Vice President: assist president, attend meetings, serve as chair of committees as needed, assumed duties of the President in their absence.
  • Recording Secretary: keep an accurate record of all minutes of ATA meetings.
  • Corresponding Secretary: assist the President with all ATA correspondence, prepare agendas, write and send thank you letters, coordinate distribution of newsletters and flyers.
  • Treasurer: serve as custodian of ATA monies, collect membership dues, make deposits, sign checks.
  • Financial Secretary: develop annual budget for approval by the Executive Board, prepare budgets for special projects, fill in for the Treasurer as needed.
  • Parliamentarian: be knowledgeable of parliamentary procedures, serve as adviser to the President, Executive Board, Committee Chairpersons, and members in the interpretation of ATA By-Laws.
  • Sergeant-At-Arms: maintain order during meetings, serve as doorkeeper, assist with setting up tables and chairs at meetings.

Nominations will be accepted through Friday, August 12, 2022. Email nominees to auchentorolyterraceassociation@gmail.com.

The ATA Election Nominating Committee will reach out to all nominees to confirm they would like to participate in the election and are active association members. Candidates must live within the association boundaries and be up to date on membership dues. See the map below showing the association blocks highlighted in red. Click here to visit the Contact page and pay membership dues. A list of recommended nominees will be distributed no later than 10 days before the election on September 8, 2022.


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