
Auchentoroly Terrace Banner at Edgemont detail

Auchentoroly Terrace Banners are Up!

The New Auchentoroly Terrace Association (ATA) is excited to showcase our strong and beautiful neighborhood with eight new street pole banners! The banners were funded by a Baltimore City BMORE Beautiful “Love Your Block” grant, and donations from numerous local residents and businesses. Spanning all nine blocks of Auchentoroly Terrace along Druid Hill Park, the banners project a positive local image while encouraging people to slow down and walk our historic district. The banners were designed by local resident and public artist Graham Coreil-Allen. Through these banners, ATA seeks to improve the quality of life for existing and future residents of all income levels and backgrounds by promoting Auchentoroly Terrace as a historic, inclusive, and positive place place to live.

Big Jump Druid Park Lake Drive

Big Jump Community Meeting 4/26

Taking advantage of existing DPW construction, the Big Jump project will create a walking and biking connection across Druid Park Lake Drive and the 28th Street bridge, connecting Remington directly to Reservoir Hill and Penn North. Learn more at the Reservoir Hill Big Jump Community Meeting Thursday, April 26, 6-7:30pm at Beth Am, 2501 Eutaw Pl, Baltimore, Maryland 21217.

Druid Hill Farmers Market

Make Mondawmin Streets Safer for Walking & Biking!

Join us for a walk and discussion meeting at 5pm on Wednesday, July 13, at the Druid Hill Farmers Market to plan creative events that draw attention to difficult conditions for walking and biking around Mondawmin.